Friday, November 3, 2006

I'm A Loser

If anyone remembers, I wrote last fall about being in a fantasy football league at work.  It was my first year to partake in such an endeavor, and I actually ended up with a winning season.  True, I only won one game more than I lost, but that counts as a winning season nonetheless.  The same guy at work that put last year's league together approached me late summer and asked if I'd like to join a league again this season.  Why sure, I told him.  I'd gotten the hang of it last year, and while I still didn't know what I was doing, I wasn't quite as intimidated as I was last year. 

I went into the league with high hopes.  I was still feeling good from last year's winning season, which I can attribute largely to having first pick in our draft last year and getting Peyton Manning.  This year, I got third pick in the draft.  Not an unusually bad spot, so I thought.  Needless to say, we're getting ready for week 9 in the NFL season, and I'm ashamed to say I'm 0-8.  I've got some great players, so it's not like I have all fourth string benchwarmers playing for me.  It's just that I can't get all of my players to have a great week at the same time.  There's been no middle ground in the weekly scores, too -- either I've gotten my ass kicked or I've only lost by a few points.  There is one small consolation, though -- the first week of the season, one of the players (a co-worker up in the Technical Services department) was doing some major trash talking to his opponent that week.  He's currently 1-7. There's a little bit of comfort knowing that I'm only one game behind him. 

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