Sunday, November 13, 2005

Link Of The Week

This wasn't a major election year in Kentucky or Indiana, or the nation for that matter, but I came across an interesting political site the other day.  Yes that seems very odd words to come out from me - the person who usually avoids political sites like surfers avoid smam and viruses.  But I didn't actually do a search for this topic, so that should redeem me.  I was looking line the other day for any new info on my beloved Knots Landing star Donna Mills, and I found a site that listed all of her polital campaign contributions.  I checked out the site, and it was pretty interesting.  They have practically every star listed on there and how much they contributed and who they contributed to.  Pretty cool.  But the fun doesn't stop there.  You can enter a name of a regular person, just like us, find out how much they've contributed to a candidate.  Now that's cool.  Take a look for yourself at And don't waste your time entering my name. 

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