Saturday, November 5, 2005

Another Email Questionaire

1. Did you gorge yourself on sugar yesterday? Does eating a handful of Tootsie Roll Midgies count as gorging?
2. How often do you change your sheets? Every two weeks
3. Do you usually drive within the speed limit? I try, but it doesn't always happen when driving a car with a 12-cylinder engine.
4. Which is more vomit-inducing, The Ashlee Simpson Show or The Simple Life? The Ashlee Simpson Show, and any show with her or her annoying sister
5. Have you ever eaten a booger? Uh, yes.  I'm sure we all have, but there's only a few brave enough to admit it. 
6. If you could become a member of the opposite sex for a week, would you? Yes, and I would use that time to be interviewed for jobs.
7. Have you ever gone camping (in a tent, RVs don't count)? Sure have. In my younger, more naive days (ex: in the days before we had central air conditioning) I didn't mind the summer heat and actually enjoyed sleeping outside in the hot, muggy summer.
8. If you could take a class at no cost to you (at a school, at the gym, any type of class), what would you take? A cooking class, because you know I don't cook.
9. Have you ever won a radio contest? Yes, quite a few.  The first was when I was 8 or 9 years old  - I won $100. 
10. What kind of milk do you drink? Good ol' blue capped 2%

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