Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday Updates

I apologize for not posting yesterday.  It was a very crazy and busy day.  No, make that a very busy and crazy week.  I've been a nurse, a painter, and a half a dozen other people this week.  

First of all, I was a nurse.  A week and a half ago, Dad cut off part of his left thumb out on the table saw.  He was cutting a board for one of our barn art quilt block pictures.  It was a very bad cut, and even though he did fracture a bone in his thumb, the hand surgeon said no surgery, and they didn't even stitch it up.  Since that happened, I've been changing the bandage on it before I go to work and when I get home from work.  At first, I had to almost close my eyes because I couldn't bear to look at it, but I have to say it is healing great.  He goes back to the hand surgeon on Thursday and will hopefully get the all-clear sign.  

But Dad didn't let a little thing like cutting off part of your thumb hold him down.  The day after it happened he was back out in the garage finishing cutting the board.  Then that night he reminded me that we have a deadline of May 21 (our first craft festival) to get as many boards painted as possible.  So after losing two nights of production, I was back painting the next day.  And the next day and the next day.  And today, when I haven't been running errands, I've had a paint brush in my hand. 

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