Thursday, January 15, 2015

Public Service Announcement

Dear car drivers that I encounter on my way to work every morning:

I've noticed a very disturbing pattern on my morning commute to work.  As I get within one half mile of the entrance ramp to the east bound expressway, I encounter idiot drivers that are trying to get over to get onto the ramp. 

Let me list some facts.  The road that we are on is two lane. You all that try to get onto the expressway know from the time that you pull out of their driveway that you will need to be in the left-hand lane in order to get onto the expressway ramp.  Yet you still wait until you get a quarter of a mile or less away from the expressway ramp to turn on your turn signal and attempt to get over to the outside lane.  This is not something new that is just happening.  This happens every single morning. 

Please, please, please put down your effin cell phones and pay attention and be in the turn lane at least a half mile before the expressway ramp so you can easily get on and not hold up traffic for everybody else.   

Your fellow commuter, 

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