Sunday, January 4, 2015

Another Update From The Compound Infirmary

We made it through another day with the flu, but there are some slight improvements.  First of all, we're not coughing as much.  And we ate a small official meal today.  Official meal, meaning more than one food.  We each had a small portion of bowtie pasta cooked with spinach and chicken, a half a piece of Texas toast, and two pineapple slices.  After eating it we all three felt so full like we'd just put away six plates of food at Golden Corral.  We still are incredibly tired and don't have much energy, and 90% of our day is filled with laying down.  But I know resting is the only way we'll get our strength back.   

I'm hoping for more to report in tomorrow's update, but for now, I'm going to go lay back down. 

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