Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I Feel Like Scarlet O'Hara

For the past week, and especially the past few days, I've felt like Scarlet O'Hara in the climactic scene where she returns to Tara only to find her mother has just died, her father has gone crazy, and the Yankees have stolen the livestock and everything else of value from Tara.  In the scene that I am reliving, Scarlet has just come out of the room where her mother's body was laid out.  As soon as she walked out of that room, her father, two sisters, and the two remaining slaves are all clamoring around her asking her a bizillion questions.  Scarlet told one of the slaves to go tie up a cow that she had stolen, only to be told by the slave "We's house workers, Miss Scarelet."  Yep, that's what I feel like. 

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