Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Resolutions

Spring is the time for growth and new beginnings, they say.  Even though spring is one of my least favorite seasons (mainly for all of the severe weather it brings) I guess this year it's not so bad after all.  That's because this spring marks a new Puddin.  A couple of weeks ago I made a Spring Resolution, and have decided to do a few things differently.

I'm going to speak my mind more than I have in the past. I've always been one to just keep things bottled up and not speak out when I should. I would just watch instead of saying what I really wanted to say.  In the past couple of weeks, I spoke up on several occasions.  This did not go unnoticed.  I received a couple of emails or phone calls telling me "Way to go - I'm proud of you." I'm proud of me, too. 

I'm going to stand up to bullies - bullies in all form. I stood up to a bully this week and it felt good.  I didn't go off on them all that much; I merely called them out.  While I want to believe that it had an impact on the bully's behavior, deep down I know it probably didn't phase the bully one bit.  But it gave me encouragement for dealing with future bullies.

Probably the biggest spring resolution I made is I no longer am going to be taken for granted.  At least I'm going to try, anyway. 

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