Tuesday, April 10, 2012

File Under: WTF?

Boy, 5, brings 50 packets of heroin to school for show and tell

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - Police say a five-year-old Connecticut boy brought

50 packets of heroin to school for show and tell, and his stepfather has
been arrested.

Bridgeport police tell the Connecticut Post that 35-year-old Santos
Roman went to the Barnum School on Monday to retrieve the drugs and
found police waiting for him.

He was detained on $100,000 bail on risk of injury to a minor and drug

Police say the boy wore Roman's jacket to school Monday.

When it came time for his show-and-tell presentation, the kindergartner
displayed bags of heroin. The teacher confiscated the drugs and told the
principal, who called police.

The boy was put in state custody until other relatives could be located.

And here I thought I was a badass for bringing the 45 record of Charlie Daniels "Easy Rider" to school for show and tell. 

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