Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sneezy Saturday

After trying a different OTC med last Sunday, I thought my allergy issues were in check until Thursday.  It hit all over again.  And in full force.  I spent most of my time at Slugger Field at the Bats' game last night sneezing or being miserable.  I was fed up and called my allergist today.  Thankfully he called in a prescription for some stronger meds and a 3-day dose of Prednisone for my itching etc.  And he also wants me to come back to do another grid test to see if there's anything new I'm allergic to.  But the meds ain't a-working. I'm still sneezing and miserable. You know I have to be feeling pretty bad to miss a Bats baseball game.  But there's no use in going and sitting there miserable for 3 hours.  I'm in for the night and am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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