Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Got An Extra Button?

It's been awhile since TWIT has had the pleasure of a guest writer, so without further ado, today's journal entry is brought to us by my best friend Diva Stacy. Here's what she has to say:

I bought some new clothes for fall. As I pulled them out to wear for the first time, I cut off the tags. Along with the tags came the little white envelope that reads "Extra Button". I always put the envelope in the back of my top dresser drawer for future use.

I was just thinking though....I don't ever remember actually using one of those extra buttons. That's not to say I never needed one, but I just never think about it. Even if you did think about it, how would you actually find the one you were looking for? They are all in the same white envelope and it's sealed up. You'd have to open them all to find the one you needed.

I guess one day I'll clean them out. I'm sure I don't even own most of the clothes the Extra Buttons belong to anymore. But for now, I'll keep on tossing them in the back of my drawer.....just in case.

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