Monday, December 10, 2007

Breaking Tradition

Ever since the first Christmas that TWIT was in publication, I've written about my annual trip to the mall.  Yes, I only go to the mall once a year, and that's only because it's a family tradition with the 'Rents and me.  Tonight was supposed to be the 2007 installment of the family trip to the mall.  Note that I used the word "supposed."  You guessed it - it didn't happen.  It was a cold, rainy day, and the 'Rents are still trying to get over their colds and sinus infections, and even though we'd planned to go tonight, we just weren't in the mood to get out in the rain and fog and head out to the mall.  Actually, the trip's fate was sealed earlier this morning when I found out that the only store at the mall that we wanted to buy something from (San Francisco Music Box Company) was no longer at the infamous J-Mall.  So really, there was no need to drive a half hour to get to the mall just to walk through it and fight the crowds.  So when I got home from work, the 'Rents were resting in their recliners, wrapped up in their blankies, and said they really didn't care either way about going to the mall, since the one store we wanted to visit was gone, and they told me to make the call.  I got Mom's debit card and got online and ordered my Christmas present from the Music Box Company, and we stayed home where it was warm and dry and ate pizza rolls and watched Andy Griffith.  Who knows?  Maybe we've started a new tradition.  You don't get much better than a nice night like that with family.

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