Monday, March 11, 2013

Rainy Days and Mondays . . . Are Pretty Awesome

The old song says "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" but that's not the case today.  Even though it was dark when I drove to work, and even though it poured down rain most of the day, it was a pretty awesome day to me.  I was in a very happy mood all day, and in fact I still am.  The good mood continued tonight through supper, when the 'Rents and I were all three laughing so hard over something that we were all three crying. 

That's not to say that we're problem-free right now.  We all three have dear friends who are in the hospital and are facing life-threatening illnesses, but right now, my little family and I are very happy.  We're all three fairly healthy and don't have any big problems facing us right now, so that makes us very lucky and blessed.

So all in all, even through it was a rainy day and a Monday, it was an awesome day.

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