Monday, March 4, 2013

Another First

While waiting in the insanely long line at my local post office Saturday afternoon to buy some stamps and mail a box, I experienced another first.  Let me preface by saying hand to heaven, this is true.  While in line, a twenty-something guy came in and was behind me.  I noticed he was wearing sleep pants, tennis shoes and a hoody.  A minute or two after he got in line, his significant other, also a twenty-something with peroxide hair with mega roots showing, got in line next to him.  She was also wearing sleep pants, house shoes, and a bath robe.  So help me, God, she was wearing a bath robe.  And she also had bed hair.  A dozen possible scenarios went through my mind, as it was about 15 minutes before the post office closed for the weekend, but I tried not to judge.  I was just blown away by someone going out in public wearing their pajamas and a bath robe.  There are no words.

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