Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Forget

This was not a good day, faithful readers.  Drama that started last night carried over into today, and along with it brought new drama to deal with.   I spent half of the day coughing my head off, and I know the guys next door to my office were tired of hearing me hacking.  And on top of that, I was very preoccupied this morning as I was leaving for work and forgot my cell phone.  I didn't quite have an anxiety attack like I did a few months ago when I left my phone at home, and to be honest it was very peaceful not getting texts or calls.  I didn't really worry because it's not like I had lost my phone, and plus, if anyone needed me they could have called me at work.  Wait, the story gets better.  I was in a hurry to leave work (aren't we all?) and forgot the trusty tablet on my desk.  Now, forgetting that at work almost did make me have an anxiety attack, as I've grown used to using it more and more.  But I've made it so far, and in the past three and a half hours, I don't think I've forgotten anything.

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