Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Observations

Be careful what you pray for, because you just might get it. 

For the past eight years since I started my church security consulting business Good Shepherd Security Consulting (GSSC), I never prayed that I would get a ton of business and make a million.  I honestly prayed that the Lord would lead the churches that need help to me. 

I went for years without getting any inquiries, until last week, when the country was rocked with the devastating news of the horrific mass shooting at the church in Texas.  I've had more inquiries in the past week than I have in the entire 8 years that my business has been going.  All of the inquiries are credible.  It's at the point now where I will need to try and fit them in my day-job and home schedule. 

But I'm happy.  It's what I've been trained for and been praying for.  I can help them. And I will.

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