Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I had planned for another post for today, but I am deviating, because I can.

As soon as I came through the door tonight from work, The Old Man said he'd been on the phone for an hour talking with his cousin down in Brecinridge County.  To sum up the convo, Cousin Wayne is going to hook us up with a bushel of sweet corn and a half bushel of green beans.  Score.  We'll have a road trip down to his place on Saturday to gather the harvest.  Thanks a bunch, Cousin Wayne.  You rock.  I'm very, very thankful for Cousin Wayne.  When The Old Man was in this hospital two years ago, Cousin Wayne and his sister drove up from the country three times to visit him in the hospital.  But, you know? That's what family is for. 

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