Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Construction Day Two At The Compound

In spite of an early morning shower, construction has gone on here at The Compound. 

Both doors are installed, and the fencing between the doors and the posts on the run are installed.  As I type this, the wire fencing will be installed on the top and half of a roof will be put up.  The Workers are very hopeful that all of this will be completed by this evening. 

Let me stop right now and give major, major props to the Old Man and my Cousin's Dear Husband.  They've worked out in the 95 degree heat the past two days to get the Chicken Coop Expansion project done.  They've taken lots of water and rest breaks, and I will say they are two tough men.  Hats off to them.  Even though I've been off from work the past two days, I haven't just sat on my ass all day long.  I've made sure that the big cooler is full of ice and bottles of water and adult beverages, and have made sure that the workers sat down in the shade every hour to rest and cool off.  I also was put to use stepping on the fence that we stretched out on the driveway. My size 9's came to good use.

Stay tuned.

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