Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Is Going Out With A Bang

As I type this post, the 'Rents and I have the wicked influenza virus going around.  Mom has gotten a bit better.  She had more energy today and said that taking a long hot shower pepped her up a bit.   I'm still tired and congested but not coughing as bad as I was yesterday, and unfortunately Dad has it the worst. I gave him a dose of Nyquil and he's all snuggled in his bed sleeping, which is the best thing for him.   And before you even suggest it, you should know by now how stubborn all of us are, so we haven't gone to the doctor.  

As for New Years Eve festivities at The Compound, looks like there won't be any.  I know we'll need to eat something to keep up our strength, but right now, nothing sounds or tastes good.  We might get crazy and have some ginger ale but that will be the extent of our partying.  We will be doing good to stay up till 10:00 probably.  I just pray that we all three get better soon, especially the 'Rents.  They're more stubborn than I am.  

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