Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sinus Issues Update

As of tonight, I'd say Dad is about 75% over his crap; Mom is 50/50, and I'm still in the beginning 25% stage. 

I spent a considerable amount of time at the local drugstore tonight talking to the old school pharmacist.  He told me what OTC meds would be safe for Mom to take with her diabetes and high BP; in fact, he said the same med would be good for me and Dad as well. So I stocked up on two big boxes of the stuff.  He recommended Coricidan.  He said that back in the day (20-30 years ago) this was the first OTC multi-symptom cold med that they had out.  Then they changed their marketing strategy 10 or so years ago, and are now targeting people with high BP.  The manufacturer never changed the meds - the experts just realized that the ingredients in Coricidan were safe for people with high BP to use, so they started marketing it toward that segment.  

Mom and Dad both said that way back in the day when they worked at the cigarette factory, the company nurse would give them Coricidan if they came to her with cold symptoms, and that the stuff really worked.  I'm hoping that it will work this well this week for all three of us. 

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