Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Farmtown Update

We interrupt today's regularly scheduled Link/App Of The Week to bring you another Farmtown update. 

The 'Rents and the Visiting Cousin picked another bushel of green beans and a half a bushel of tomatoes last night. 

My suggestion was to set up a stand in the front yard and sell some of the stuff.  Everyone agreed that I should be the one out in the yard selling it.  That's not the response I intended.

Each of us took a big bag holding 2 or 3 smaller bags of beans, tomatoes and corn today to about a dozen friends at church.  We were tired by the time we got to Sunday School from carrying and delivering all of the bags.  But it's an awesome feeling -- the 'Rents are proud to see such a boutiful harvest from all of their hard work in growing the stuff, and me and my Visiting Cousin were happy to see such smiling faces as we delivered the stuff. 

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