Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Silent Minority

As I type this, it's 3:18, and the kick-off to the big UK vs U of L football game has been underway for about 13 minutes. And I could really not care less.

We've spent most of the day here at The Compound outside in the garden and yard, and I took a break about an hour ago to run some errands, but as soon as I post this I will be back outside again working diligently and not paying any attention to the big football game that most of the state of Kentucky is watching.

I really have no preferance over who wins. I'm just happy that it's a Saturday and that I don't have any place that have to go tonight and I can stay home and do nothing if I want to. I'm pretty sure that there's quite a few people here in the 'Ville that feel the same way that we do.

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