Friday, September 10, 2010

Flashback Friday

I sat through an almost two-hour meeting today at work about changes in our retirement fund. As I endured it all, I was thinking back to the time when my retirement fund would be almost a foreign phrase in my vocabulary. Back in the day, we just didn't think of anything like that. It's not that we thought we would die early and not make it to retirement age - we simply just didn't think about it. After today's meetings, it was all we could think about.

Back in the day, we thought the government would take care of us in our old age - we'd have Social Security to fall back on. Well, we all know that Social Security will be running out in a few years, so it's up to us take care of our retirement. I'm just thankful that my company cares enough about us employees to give us many options to manage our retirement fund.

As I type this, I think back to the time when my parents were the age I am right now. Unfortunately, their company didn't care nor take that good care of them when it came to their retirement. I'm just thankful I'm in a bit better position than they were.

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