Monday, July 19, 2010

The Squeaking Has Stopped

This afternoon was my annual visit to my eye doctor, and as of about 3:45 this afteroon, I officially feel old - that was when Dr. Parker wrote out the prescription for bifocal glasses. I was hoping to be able to squeak by another year, but the squeaking has stopped. But it's not quite as bad as I'm making it out to be. Dr. Parker said that my vision hadn't changed very much, and told me to keep on using the reader glasses from the drugstore if I only used them occasionally; she said if I noticed I was wearing them more and more when I read, to go ahead and get the new bifocals but until then, she said I should be ok.

I haven't used the readers that much - only when I lay on the bed or sit at the kitchen table and read my school textbooks (which I think the publishers are at fault for trying to cram more tinier words on a page then they used to back in the day. Just saying.). I don't need them for the newspaper or other magazines, and I only use them at work once a month when I have to read a report with tiny sized font. So I think I'm doing pretty good for an old chick. But just in case, Dad picked out a very cool pair of new frames for me for when I do get them. They're a little bit darker than the color of this font and extremely cool.

I'd like to give a shout out to my beloved Dr. Parker and her assistant Terri, who reassured me that I still have the bluest eyes out of all of her patients.

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