Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Year Of Trying New Things

Faithful readers, it's been one wacky week for me.  First I set a record for trying two new things in a week's time, and just hours ago, I broke that record by trying a third new thing in a week.  At supper tonight, I tried fried okra.  And it wasn't bad.  It was down right tastey.  In fact, I had a couple of spoonfuls. 

For years I've seen Mom and Dad eat fried okra and have turned up my nose at it without bothering to try it.  I imagined it would be something similar to fried slime, since okra is slimey when you slice it.  I sure was wrong.  It wasn't slimey at all.  And Mom fried it in seasoned cornmeal so it was crunchy and very flavorful.  I can't say that I will probably order it the next time I want to binge and eat something fried, but I will definitely eat it again. 

I'm having some major tooth pain right now, and while I don't think I'll be eating anything hard or crunchy for awhile, who knows?  This weekend if I come across something new that's soft, I just might go for it and try it since I'm on a roll.

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