Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Hard Lesson In Economics

When I got home from work last night, Mom asked me if I wanted to try and sell some of my clothes that I've [happily] grown out of. Our neighbor Nadine was going to have a yard sale today, and she told Mom she could bring stuff over and try to sell it if she wanted. For the past couple of months I'd been toying with the idea of putting some of my blue jeans and nice shirts on eBay, but I never found the time to take pictures of them and actually put them on eBay. So I told Mom I'd lug the stuff out there this morning and see if I could make a few bucks.

I had about 15 pairs of jeans, pants and shorts, and over 20 shirts. A few of the shirts cost over $40, but they weren't doing me any good just hanging in my closet. I priced the pants at $2 a piece and all of the shirts [reluctantly] at $1 each. My first sale of the day netted me a whopping $5 - a lady offerred me $5 for 6 nice cotton t-shirts, so I jumped at her offer. Then a few minutes after she left, two other ladies came and bought some more of my shirts; each of them buying a shirt that cost $40 retail when I bought them two years ago. I took their money and as they were walking off with the expensive shirts, I muttered out loud "I paid forty bucks a piece for those shirts and I just sold them for a dollar."

My grand total today was $10. I don't even want to add up the total value of the shirts I sold today; at this point, I guess it doesn't really matter. Mom said it best. She said "That's ten dollars more than you had when you got up this morning." Good point, Mom. Good point.

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