Friday, January 19, 2018

Flashback Friday

This day in history:
On January 18, the weatherazzi was only calling for a dusting of snow.  When we woke up the morning of January 19, we had 18 inches of snow in Louisville, and the tempter was 15 below zero.  

I remember that day well.  Our old family friend Don worked at Zoeller, too, and at church on the night of the 18th, he told me that if "it got bad in the morning", he'd come by and pick me up.  I didn't think anything else of it until we got up on the 19th and there was no power in our neighborhood and 18 inches of snow on the ground.  I called Don and his wife answered, and I told her to tell him to forget it.  

I went out about my business and the 'Rents and I were in front of the fireplace when we heard a car horn honking in the distance.  I went to look out the front room window and saw two headlights coming down the road.  Yep, it was Don.  He came in the house and looked at me and said "Are you going to wear your pajamas to work?"  I got the hint, and went and changed clothes while he got a grocery bag and started getting some food out of the pantry for us to take to work.  

Needless to say not only were we the only people out on the roads, but we were the only people at Zoeller that day.  And it was a good thing we came on in.  The pipes had burst in the kitchen on the first floor of our office building, and up on the second floor where Customer Service was, parts of the roof had caved in from the weight of the snow, and there was snow in various locations of our office.  While Don worked on the pipes, I got as many big garbage bags as I could find, cut them open and placed them over our files and computers, and then I opened the window and managed to find a small shovel downstairs and started shoveling snow from our office floor out the window. 

When we left work and headed home later, once again we were just about the only people on the roads.

Yep, January 19, 1994 is a day I will never forget. 

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