Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Baby, It's Even Colder Outside

This morning when I headed out the door for work, it was -2 at The Compound.  Yes, that wasn't a typo; it was two below zero, and actually even colder when you add in the wind chill factor.  At noon today it was a balmy 12 degrees, with a projected high of 19 today, and back down to 6 degrees tonight.

And still, the Girls don't seem to mind the cold very much.  They still love their red heat light, and for the past week when we've opened up the coop door in the morning, they've stayed inside and came out a couple of hours later.  And I can't say that I blame them. 

And I'm very happy to report that my old Blazer and the old Ranger both are starting up and running just fine in these arctic temperatures.  I hope they keep it up. 

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