Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Something You Don't See Every Day

The 'Rents and I went to church Sunday night for the annual Christmas music program.  The church was filled with the number of people that I had thought would attend.  But I digress.

The 'Rents and I were sitting in our usual spot on the last row, mid section; my usual spot so I can monitor everything going on in the sanctuary.  But once again, I digress.

Five minutes after the Christmas program started, something caught my eye.  In the row in front of us, an older woman and what appeared to be her daughter were eating cheesy poofs during the Christmas program.  I watched them for a good five minutes, and sure enough, they were dipping into a bag of cheesy poofs and eating them during the Christmas program.

That is for sure something I have never seen before. 

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