Monday, September 18, 2017

Trivia Update

The Divas took the summer off from our weekly trivia games, mainly because we couldn't find one that we liked.  But we found one about 15 minutes from both our homes, and the trivia master is the guy that ran the show at the previous place before it closed.  We like this guy because he plays songs that we request in between questions.  And he remembers who our favorites are.  But I digress.  

After our summer hiatus, we were back in action tonight.  We started out pretty shakey, but we picked up steam heading into the final question.  We bet the maximum 15 points and lost, but all four teams lost this question.  The winning team only bet one point; we could identify with that because most of the times we've won was because we didn't be any points.  But we had a lot of fun, and we will be back in action next Monday night.  Go Team Divas.

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