Sunday, December 30, 2012

Link Of The Week

It took a month, but thank goodness I'm over the cold/flu/upper respiratory infection/whatever-you-want-to-call-it that I along with 3/4 of the state have had.  It just lingered and lingered.  And friends that went to the doctor and got antibiotics for it said that their bout with the illness lasted about a month, too.  But I digress.  During my bout, I had congestion and and a cough.  Mucinex helped some with congestion relief but it did little for the cough.  I remembered a concoction that my Grandma would give me when I was little and had a cough and thought I'd try it.  I looked up online to make sure of the amounts and it was simple -- a cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of honey.  After a couple of days of drinking this, I could tell a difference. 

That made me think of how we used to drink ACV (apple cider vinegar) every day and how it was good for literally whatever ails you.  So the 'Rents and I decided we'd start drinking it every day.  My arthritis hasn't been as bad so I think it's making a difference.

I found a good site with home remedies using apple cider vinegar I'd like to share with you.  Visit

One note:  it is not recommended to drink the ACV straight - dilute it with water or juice.  Over a period of time, if not diluted it will eat the enamel from your teeth.

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