Thursday, March 28, 2024

So A Thing Happened . . .

 I want to let you, faithful readers, know about something that happened here at The Compound on Sunday evening.  After supper, I slipped on a rug that was between the family room and dining room, and fell and hit my head on one of the very hard dining room table chairs.  It didn't bleed very long, and the gash was not deep. I didn't and still don't have a goose egg, and no pain in my head.  So for that I can't be thankful enough.  I didn't feel woozy or sick or anything after it happened, and still don't.  The only real pain I've had was yesterday - all of my joints were achy from the fall, but today it's back to quasi-normal.  I look like a comibination of Frankenstein with my horseshoe shaped gash on my forehead and the bruising on my cheek and jaw, but as I sand I cannot be thankful enough that it was not a lot worse than it could have been.  

If you are a pray-er, please say a prayer for continued healing for the scar and for still no pain.  

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