Saturday, September 21, 2019

Team Minnie Update

Yesterday wasn't all that of a bad day for My Sweet Mother.  Her PT was rough on her and hurt like hell, but they got her out of bed and she took some steps over to the chair, and sat up for an hour or two.  I was happy with that.  This morning's PT didn't go as well, but we're happy with what she was able to do.  The therapist moved and bent the bad leg, which was a first.  She was afraid to put weight on the bad leg, and didn't do any walking, but when she was sitting on the side of the bed she was swinging her legs.  We'll take what movement we can get. 

She had a rough early evening last night with pain.  But her awesome night nurse gave her a shot of pain meds in her IV and she slept all night long.  

The Dr is a little concerned about her heart rate being high, and is going to have her wear a heart monitor for 24 hours.  But the Dr said that was most likely from the pain meds.

As far as eating and drinking, she ate over half of her lunch yesterday, which thrilled us all.  She ate maybe 6 bites of soup at dinner but she did drink all of the protein drink they want her to have with every meal.  This morning before PT, she didn't want breakfast but once again she did drink the protein drink. 

She's having some issues, but the nurses and doctors have reassured us that they are due to the trauma from the surgery and due to the pain meds.  That made us feel a whole lot better.  

As far as the repaired hip, the surgeon said it's doing great, and the incisions are "beautiful" as one of the doctors said this morning. 

So today's prayer for my Sweet Mother is that she will eat and drink more, and for the pain to ease up, and that she will be able to take some steps with the therapist tomorrow. 

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