Thursday, September 19, 2019

Team Minnie Update

I'm not going to sugar coat things - Tuesday night,  Minnie had probably the worst night you could have in terms of pain. But we made it through.
They were there early this morning to take her down for the surgery, and thanks to the Lord, it went perfect. The Great Physician was surely the head doctor in that OR this morning. The surgeon repeated to us that of all of the hip breaks, this was the best case scenario. They were able to make 3 small incisions and inserted a rod inside of her femur.
When she woke up back in her room, she was quite the comic, keeping her nurse in stiches. Pun intended.
They gave her a spinal block, so we're hoping that it will not wear off until tomorrow morning so she can have a pain-free night and get some much needed sleep.
Dad and I came home for a couple of hours so I could take a shower and get on some clean clothes, and we're going to head back up and I will stay with her again while Bud comes back home with my cousin Linda, who dropped everything yesterday afternoon and zoomed down I-65 to be with us.
Tonight if she's awake, I am going to read off all of the comments to her, to show her how many people are praying for her and to show her how much she is loved

Wednesday Update
Just as I had posted yesterday’s update, things took a turn fetches worse. Minnie’s blood pressure bottomed out. Luckily her nurse was in the room, and she called for the Rapid Response team. My cousin was with her and started praying. Thanks to the Great Physician and the team, they got her BP up, and it has been good since then.
She had a rough night, but once again thanks to prayers, she was her old self after breakfast.
PT came, and it went as to be expected. She was in a lot of pain but she made a few steps to and from the chair. The nurses will be back and get her back up to the chair 2 more times today.
She hadn’t been able to keep any food or liquid down until just now when she ate over half of her chicken soup.
Sometime in the next couple of days she will go to a rehab center to get stronger and be able to walk and get to and from . It’s not what we hoped for, but we have to remind ourselves we have to do what is the safest thing for her. We’re trying not to worry, because as Minnie frequently says, God will take care of you.

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