Saturday, June 24, 2017

Flashback Friday

For the past week, the weatherazzi has been saying that we would get "buckets of rain" from Tropical Storm Cindy.  They were expecting 3+ inches of rain here in Louisville.  

It didn't rain nearly that much here at The Compound, and The Girls didn't seem to mind the rain at all.

This made me think back to the days before we had Supper Dopplar and GPS systems.  Back then, the weatherazzi did as good of a job as they could with the current technology they had to work with.  This was the time when people got the morning and evening newspapers, and relied on the weather forecast that was printed in the papers.  Not so much today.  I'm pretty sure that we are one of the very few people that still get a newspaper every day; that is, when the carrier decides to deliver the papers to us.  But I digress.  Now, we rely on our phone apps for up-to-the-minute weather reports.  We've come a long way, baby.

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