Sunday, August 9, 2015

Just What I Needed

On my way to Diva Stacy's today, I stopped at my local Circle K to pick up some Bud Lights to take over.  There was only one clerk working, and a pretty long line.  In front of me was a 6 or 7 year old little girl, along with what I thought were her two younger brothers.  They had asked the clerk about the 30 cent Lays bags of chips, only to find that the clerk said they didn't have them.  They each had a Polar Pop, and the girl had a few other things.  Just as the clerk was getting ready to wait on the little girl, another clerk came back from her break and opened the other check-out lane.  I stayed put.  

The clerk checked out the little girl, and said she was 29 cents short.  The little girl was upset.  I told the clerk I would pay for it.  The little girl said "thank you" four times.  I paid for my Bud Light and gave an additional 29 cents, and then came out to get in my Blazer, only to find the little girl and the two little boys waiting outside of the store.  They thanked me again, and each of them gave me a hug. 

I got in the Blazer, and had to wait a few minutes before I left so I could get myself together and stop crying. This is what it's about, people.  

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