Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Open Letter To WalMart

Dear WalMart:

When you have a bizillion people at your store that want to check out and pay for their items and then leave and go home, please do us a favor and have more then two check-out lanes open during the rush-hour time after work. 

I was in your store today at about 5:00, and there were dozens of people in line with their carts full of items, and you only had two lanes open. Yes, you only had two lanes open at this time. 

I endured the frustrating wait, only because I wanted the items in my cart.  But let me tell you that the longer wait put a cramp in my family's style.  This longer wait meant that our normal 5:30 supper time had to be pushed up to a 6:30 time.  We weren't happy. 

Please note this frustration and have more clerks at the check-out stations during the afternoon rush hour from now on.

Your disgruntled patron,

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