Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holy Cow

Divine bovine has cross on his head
Dubbed ‘Moses’ by neighborhood kids, young calf inspires hope, headlines

The month: December.
The place: A humble farm.
The setting: Just perfect for an auspicious event.

On a cold, dark night in the wee hours of the morning, a baby calf was born. His nurturing mother, Fuzzy, welcomed him into the world by licking and licking his head — an act that obscured a special detail about the little guy that would soon generate headlines all over the planet.

“When we first saw the calf ... the mother had licked the hair and it was all sideways and we thought it was a regular calf,” recalled Connecticut dairy farmer Brad Davis. “Then a little later on in the morning we went in and there it was, standing right out. It was really quite a sight.”
“It” was none other than the distinctive markings of a white cross on the newborn calf’s forehead. The image had quite an effect on Davis, Davis’ relatives and friends and families all around the dairy farm.

“The first night that he was here, when we shut the lights out that night late at night, the only thing you could see in here was that cross showing in the dark,” Davis told the local Norwich Bulletin newspaper. “It was really quite a feeling. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck, actually.”

Davis’ 70-year-old father, Andrew Gallup Davis, told the Bulletin that he’s never seen a pattern like this on any of the thousands of calves he’s encountered in his lifetime.

“It’s not one you look at and you try to make something out of it,” he said. “It’s pronounced.”
Davis, the dairy farmer, told WFSB-TV he thinks the special marking on the baby calf may be a message from on high, although he’s still trying to figure out what that message might be.
He told the Bulletin that he hopes the image might mean milk prices will go up and the dairy industry will improve.

“The last couple of years have been the toughest probably ever,” Davis said.

‘Not totally surprising’Neighborhood children have become enamored with the little calf with the special marking on his forehead. They decided to bestow upon him a biblical — albeit Old Testament — name: Moses.

The calf is living in Sterling, a small Connecticut town on the Rhode Island border, on Buttercup Farm, a dairy operation Davis co-owns with Megan Johnson.

Johnson said Fuzzy, Moses’ mother, is a red-and-white Holstein cow, and Ferdinand, his father, is a Jersey. Both Fuzzy and Ferdinand have the reputation of being exceptionally friendly animals. Davis thinks the pair produced an exceptional calf.

“He’s got a different disposition from other calves. You can see it in his eyes,” Davis said. “He has a very kind look in his eyes. Like he has something he wants to say to you.”

Ric Grummer, chairman of the department of dairy science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, told the Bulletin that it’s common for Holsteins to have white markings on their heads.
“I think what this is really ending up being is a coincidence,” Grummer said. “Sometimes that marking is in the shape of a triangle. Sometimes that marking may be very irregularly shaped. ... Clearly, if you get a nice unique cross, it’s unique, but it’s not totally surprising that something like this would happen.”

Saved by the cross?Johnson said she and Davis will see to it that Moses the calf lives a long, happy life.

“We’re going to make sure he gets a good life and doesn’t get eaten,” Johnson told the Bulletin.“We’d like to find him a good home where he can live out the rest of his life on pastures, you know, with somebody who cares for him.”

Davis quickly chimed in. “We may get attached to him in the meantime, like we have with other animals here,” he said. “And he may stay here.”

All I can say is holy cow.

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