Friday, February 18, 2005

Cliffhanger Friday

All of my faithful readers know how much I love "All My Children."  My love for the soaps goes back to watching "Days Of Our Lives" and "Search For Tomorrow" with my Grandma.  I loved the drama and enjoyed watching all of the beautiful people.  I liken our company to a soap opera.  Unfortunately, there's not many of the beautiful people hear, but there is no shortage of drama.  There's another similarity between soap operas and our company: cliffhanger Friday. 

On the daily soaps, the big cliffhanger of the week generally happens at the end of Friday's episode.  Then we have to wait all weekend to see what will happen to Erica and the gang.  It's not much different here.  It's a proven, documented fact that most of the drama that occurs here at ZCO happens on a Friday afternoon, usually late in the day, after the plant has gone home, and after most managers and/or anyone who has authority to make decisions has left early.  This especially holds true for my department, since we work closely with the plant and the plant supervisors.  It's not uncommon for us to find out at 4:10 on a Friday afternoon that a truck shipment of parts wasn't delivered as promised and would not be here until Monday afternoon.  It's a cliffhanger all weekend, wondering if they will send the night shift workers home on Sunday night or ask for volunteers from Monday morning's day shift to go home because they can't run the lines without the delayed parts.  So we those involved in this drama wait and wonder all weekend what will happen Monday, re: will we get ripped for making a bad call. 

Today, I'm involved in my own Cliffhanger Friday.  My boss is on vacation next week, so we'll be taking up her slack next week.  I'll be doing my regular work plus her daily work.  I'm not ashamed to say I'm dreading next week.  We've told her how much her time off makes us appreciate all of the seemingly little things she does for us.  Next week, we'll be answering her many many calls from the plant supervisors and office managers, as well as taking care of all of the problems that she normally would handle.  So on my own Cliffhanger Friday, I'd much rather be waiting to get a jury's verdict about my guilt or innocence or be waiting to hear DNA results like on AMC this week.


Anonymous said...

Cliffhanger Friday update:
At 4:30 Friday afternoon, I became involved in yet another cliffhanger at work. My entire department, along with the help of a few other co-workers, was out in the warehouse looking for two pumps that needed to be shipped out for Saturday delivery.  They looked for 45 minutes and couldn't find them.  I wasn't involved in the early stages of this drama, but at 4:30, when the rest of the company was going home, another co-worker and I went out to the warehouse to help in the search.  At 4:38, yours truly saved the day and located the lost pumps.  

Anonymous said...

So glad to have a name for the phenomenon.  It happens at my work almost every Friday.  And always after 4:00.  Never fails, I can have the most quiet afternoon, sometimes even get sleepy at my desk, but right about time to start putting things away for the hits.  Cliffhanger Friday...I'll have to remember that.