Monday, August 5, 2019

My Opinion

I spent some time yesterday afternoon researching online, and to make the long story short, I came up with varying definitions of a "mass shooting." Some sites said that a "mass shooting" was more than 4 people killed. To me, it should be more than one. Also, people are posting that this morning's mass shooting was the 250th mass shooting in the U.S. this year. I haven't had time to research that one, but in my opinion, more than one is way too many.
What can we do to stop this? I really don't know. But I have my opinion. Immediately following a mass shooting we see tons of FB posts saying "our thoughts and prayers are with ____ fill in the blank for the shooting site of the day. Yes, we need to pray for all of the families that are affected. But there's more that we can do.
The first thing that I tell churches that seek my help with security is "if you see something, say something." Surely, the shooters in the alleged 250 mass shootings this year have left some kind of trail - if their friends and family had suspected some odd behavior, they should have said something. And if they did say something and the people they told didn't do anything, well, that's on them.
I'm not jumping on the gun law bandwagon. I am sticking closer to home on this and will continue to urge people if you see something, say something. It just might make a difference.

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