Friday, March 9, 2018

Flashback Friday

During lunch today, I was telling my coworkers about the granddaughter of a friend who was on one of the local TV news shows this morning.   The kid is just in the first grade, and this is the third year that she's put together a drive to collect books for kids to read during the summer.   The little girl's mother is a teacher, and three years ago she mentioned something about the kids at her school not being able to afford books to read during their summer break.  So the little girl went to her bedroom and gathered up her books and told her mother to give them to the kids.  One thing led to another and now this is the third year for this awesome endeavor.  But I digress.

We started talking about reading when we were little kids, and what our favorite books were.  Then I mentioned how much I loved the awesome Weekly Reader from elementary school.  Getting the Weekly Reader was probably the highlight of my school week back in the day.  And once a quarter, they would include an order form for books.  I would save my allowance so I could always order some.  

I haven't checked, but I'm going to bet that today in 2018, there is an e-reader version of Weekly Reader. 

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