Sunday, January 13, 2008

Link Of The Week

If you're like me and wear contacts or glasses, then you make the requisite yearly trip to the eye doctor.  Once seated in the chair while the doctor looks at your eyes through all of these different machines, you hear the optometrist or ophthalmologist say that familiar phrase probably a dozen times:  Which is better?  This, or this?  

I found a website this week with that same theme - Which is better?  This or that? Except it has nothing to do with letters on an eye chart.  It's a site where people like you and post two pictures and other people like you or me vote for the one we like best (this or that).  Visit and see what I'm talking about.  Most people post pictures of themselves and want us to vote on the picture we like best.  But others post very interesting pictures.  For instance a picture of George Foreman and one of Muhammad Ali with the question "Who would you want to have your back?"  Check it out and post some pics or vote for ones already on there. 

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