Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Heat Wave Continues

The heatwave continues with no end in sight.  That's the same headline we've heard for almost two weeks now here in the ' Ville on the TV news and in the newspaper.  And it's true.  Yesterday's high of 101 broke the record set in 1930, and today's expected high of 102 will tie the record set back in 1932 during the Dust Bowl years.  Yes, I know it's August and we're to expect hot weather, but this is ridiculous.  This morning when I got up at 6:45, it was already 81 degrees according to the official back porch thermometer at The Compound. 

This weekend when we heard the forecast of triple-digit temperatures this week, we sprang into action.  Mom found a package of silver mylar wrapping paper and we cut and taped pieces of it over all of the windows on the side of the house that face west.  Until I witnessed the difference first hand, I was a skeptic.  I'd read online and heard people say they covered their windows to help keep the heat out, but I'd always thought that was what blinds were for.  Boy was I wrong.  You could tell a very noticable difference this weekend after we taped up the windows.  Monday evening when I pulled in the driveway, I stopped the car and laughed when I saw the windows taped up; it reminded me of how Elvis Presley used to have his Memphis Mafia tape up the windows in his hotel room so it would be dark so he could sleep during the day. 

Dad's done his part to help.  Last night when I came home from the VFW at about 9:30, he was sitting in the family room in the dark watching a baseball game on TV.  He also had the ceiling fan on, and he swore it made a noticable difference like out covered windows.  I'd have to calculate the energy and wattage from the bulb on the lamp on the coffee table, but I'd be willing to bet that it's not cranking out enough heat to warrant him sitting in the dark watching TV.  But if he thinks he's cooler, then I guess that's all that matters. 


P.S.  The temperature did hit 102 this afternoon.  Woohoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet if I did that it would give my neighbors something to jaw about, lol.  But its a great idea!