Sunday, December 10, 2006

Link Of The Week

I'm sure that at sometime in your life, you've pondered the vastness of the world and mayb wondered "If I dig a hole in my back yard through the earth, where I end up?"  Oh come on - I'm sure you've thought of it before; you probably even tried it as a kid and like me, gave up after digging about two feet.  Thanks to satellites and other modern technology, we can now find out precisely where we would end up if we dug a hole.  Go to and you can finally find out.  If your geography is anything like mine, you can click on the scale at the left and zoom in to where you want to start digging you hole, and then it will show you where you would end up.  I'm sure glad I gave up digging my hole after digging only two feet - if you dig a hole in The 'Ville and keep on digging, you'll end up out in the Indian Ocean, about halfway between Australia and Madagascar.  Happy digging!

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