Saturday, September 17, 2022

Security Tip Saturday

On my weekly Saturday trip to Kroger, I noticed something today.  I saw an older woman who had her purse in the child area of the shopping cart, and lo and behold, she had the child seat belt through her purse straps so nobody could snatch her purse.  But she left her purse wide open - available for a thug to take her wallet and phone.  I hesitated for a minute, but then I said something to her.  I prefaced by saying I was a licensed security consultant, and then urged her to keep her purse zipped up, or even better, to just take her debit card, keys, and cell phone in her pockets into the store and leave her purse at home or locked in the trunk of her car.  She thanked me so much, and even gave me a hug.  My work is done.  

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