Sunday, May 15, 2016

Why Not, Me?

I went out tonight with an old friend who recently accepted a job in Taiwan.  He was home for a week and will be heading back across the big pond on Wednesday.  We went out tonight and spent a few hours catching up on each others lives.  I owe this friend a huge debt of gratitude; he was the one that came up with the name "Good Shepherd Security Consulting."  I will be eternally grateful for that. 

During our date, he said that he has been thinking of setting up a consulting business, and said that when the time came, he would like me to help him get set up as an LLC.  I told him that it would take about 15 minutes, tops.  I went on to tell him that there are websites and businesses that get good money for helping people set up an LLC.  He gave me another idea:  jumping on that band wagon and charging people to get their LLC's set up.  He said "You already own two businesses - why not own one more?"  

It was a good idea, but right now, Pap's Barn Art consumes pretty much every waking minute that I have. But it's definitely something to think about for the future.

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