Friday, December 19, 2008

Flashback Friday

In and of itself, this picture alone is worthy enough to get Flashback Friday status. FYI it was taken on Christmas Day 1964. Yes, that is yours truly all decked out in her Christmas red leotards and saddle oxford shoes. And for the record, I don't look a whole lot different today, except bigger. But I digress. If you look close at the picture, focus in on the awesome silver Christmas tree. Look a bit closer and you can see the base of the tree where the very cool color wheel was. In case you don't know or have forgotten, back in the day most people had aluminum trees with a color wheel in the stand/base that would shine different colors up on the tree. In this picture, you can clearly see the red disk that shone up on the tree (it's at the far left of the picture).
I remember laying on the floor under the tree, looking up as the colors would change and shine on the aluminum branches, and thinking this was the prettiest Christmas tree in the world. Back then, I thought that the blue and silver ornaments were all that. I'd give anything if we had that same tree today. Who knows? I would maybe put it up on the roof of the house for everybody to see.

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