Saturday, March 22, 2008

Now THAT'S Discipline

As you know from previous posts in TWIT, I love to witness a good conversation between patrons and store clerks, restaurant servers and basically any worker in a customer service position.  Here's a transcript of a conversation overheard yesterday at a local McD's during lunchtime:

McD's clerk:  Take your order?
Man:  Yeah, Do you still have the fish on special?
McD's clerk:  Yes.
Man:  Okay, is that the one that benefits Thunder Over Louisville?
McD's clerk:  Oh, that's the DOUBLE fish sandwich meal.
Man:  Okay, that's what I want.
McD's clerk:  Okay, one double fish sandwich meal.
Man:  Now wait, I only want cheese, pickles, onions, and ketchup on that.
McD's clerk:  Okay....double fish, cheese, pickles, onions and ketchup.
Man:  I'm sure you're selling a lot of fish sandwiches today, but leave the fish off mine.  I can't eat meat today. 

To sum this up, this man, who has taken the sacrifice of giving up meat for Lent to the extreme, bought a ketchup sandwich at McD's just so a portion of the price would go to help fund Thunder Over Louisville. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder why he didn't just make a donation where all the money would go to Thunder Over Louisville.